Karen BrierCentral Israel Trip 2017

Save the date for the
Ramah Israel Bike Ride and Hiking Trip
May 9-16, 2017

The Ramah Israel Bike Ride and Hiking Trip is a fully supported, seven-day ride or hike through central Israel that raises funds to support Ramah programs for children, teens, and young adults with disabilities. In 2015, more than 110 participants raised nearly $450,000 for these inspiring programs.

We will ride and hike along a “Med to Dead” (Mediterranean Sea to Dead Sea) route, making important stops to support the communities in S’derot and the western Negev, spending three nights in or near Jerusalem, and riding through the Judean Hills. Our trip will culminate in a moving closing ceremony atop Masada.

Please visit for more information, or contact David Offit, Bike Ride and Hiking Trip coordinator, at [email protected] or 212-678-8953.